Flatfile maintains an NPM Package (@flatfile/api) for use in record-hooks, jobs, and more.


The Flatfile API can be imported into your scripts and used to make any REST calls related to Flatfile Resources. The package can be found at npmjs.com, and the specific calls available can be found at API Reference.


First, install the package in your project, and import it at the top of your script

  npm i --save @flatfile/api@latest
  import api from '@flatfile/api'

Also, make sure your secret key is included in your environment variables as FLATFILE_API_KEY. If you aren’t using environment variables via .env, you can instantiate a new FlatfileClient by passing in your secret key as the token.

Make sure to keep your secret key safe, as it can be used to access potentially sensitive information.

const flatfileClient = new FlatfileClient({ token: "sk_your_secret_key" });

Now if you want to make a call, use the api object to create your call. The api calls are async, so ensure that your code is compatible. For example, if you wanted to get a specific sheet, you can do as follows:

const sheet = await api.sheets.get("us_sh_your_sheet_id");

A more complete example would look something like this workbook submission:

listener.on("job:ready", { job: "workbook:submitActionFg" }, async (event) => {
  const { jobId, workbookId } = event.context;
  const { payload } = event;
  const { data: workbook } = await api.workbooks.get(workbookId);
  const { data: workbookSheets } = await api.sheets.list({ workbookId });
  const sheets = [];
  for (const [_, element] of workbookSheets.entries()) {
    const { data: records } = await api.records.get(element.id);

  try {
    await api.jobs.ack(jobId, {
      info: "Starting job to submit action to webhook.site",
      progress: 10,

    if (!sheets[0].records || sheets[0].records.length <= 0) {
      throw {
          "No records in Customers found, click the link to go to the sheet and add some data:",
        sheet: sheets[0],
        data: {
          WEBHOOK_SITE_URL: process.env.WEBHOOK_SITE_URL,
    if (!sheets[1].records || sheets[1].records.length <= 0) {
      throw {
          "No records in Repairs found, click the link to go to the sheet and add some data: ",
        sheet: sheets[1],
        data: {
          WEBHOOK_SITE_URL: process.env.WEBHOOK_SITE_URL,

    const webhookReceiver =
      process.env.WEBHOOK_SITE_URL ||

    const response = await axios.post(
        method: "axios",
        workbook: {
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": "application/json",

    if (response.status === 200) {
      const rejections = response.data.rejections;
      if (rejections) {
        const totalRejectedRecords = await responseRejectionHandler(rejections);
        await api.jobs.complete(jobId, {
          outcome: {
            next: {
              type: "id",
              id: rejections.id,
              label: "See rejections...",
            message: `Data was submission was partially successful. ${totalRejectedRecords} record(s) were rejected.`,
      await api.jobs.complete(jobId, {
        outcome: {
            "Data was successfully submitted to webhook.site. Go check it out at " +
            webhookReceiver +
    } else {
      throw {
        message: "Data was not submitted to webhook.site",
        data: {
          WEBHOOK_SITE_URL: process.env.WEBHOOK_SITE_URL,
  } catch (error) {
    console.log(`webhook.site[error]:`, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(error)));

    const spaceId = error?.sheet?.id ? error.sheet.id : undefined;
    const jobBody: Flatfile.JobCompleteDetails = {
      outcome: {
        message: error.message,
        acknowledge: true,
    if (spaceId) {
      jobBody.outcome.next = {
        type: "id",
        id: spaceId,
    await api.jobs.fail(jobId, jobBody);